Central Corsica France > Corsica > Central CorsicaCentral Corsica is a non-stop parade of stupendous scenery, and the best way to immerse yourself in it is to get onto the region's ever-expanding network of trails and forest tracks. The ridge of granite mountains forming the spine of the island is closely followed by the epic GR20 footpath which can be picked up from various villages and is scattered with refuge huts, most of them offering no facilities except shelter. For the less active there also are plenty of roads penetrating deep into the forests of Vizzavona, La Restonica and Rospa Sorba, crossing lofty passes that provide exceptional views across the island.The most popular attractions in the centre, though, are the magnificent gorges of La Restonica and Tavignano, both within easy reach of Corte. Pages in section ‘Central Corsica’: The GR20, Gorges du Tavignano, Gorges de la Restonica, Vizzavona.