Prosper Mérimée famously dubbed SARTÈNE (Sartè) "la plus corses des villes corse" (the most Corsican of Corsican towns), but the nineteenth-century German chronicler Gregorovius put a less complimentary spin on it when he described it as a "town peopled by demons". Sartène hasn't shaken off its hostile image, due in large part to a heavy presence of wealthy-looking godfather types. On the other hand it's a smart, clean place, noticeably better groomed than many small Corsican towns, its principal income coming from Sartène wine the best on the island. The main square doesn't offer many diversions once you've explored the enclosed old town and prehistory museum, and the only time of year Sartène teems with tourists is at Easter for U Catenacciu, a Good Friday procession that packs the main square with onlookers. Close to Sartène are some of the island's best-known prehistoric sites, most notably Filitosa, the megaliths of Cauria and the Alignement de Palaggiu Corsica's largest array of prehistoric standing stones. Pages in section ‘Sartène’: The Town, Practicalities, Megalithic sites.
Alternate spellings:: France, Sartène, Sartène, Sartene