The tourist office (daily: April & May 9am12.30pm & 26pm; June & Sept 9am6pm; July & Aug 9am7pm; OctMarch 10amnoon & 25pm; tel, is next to the cloister, with the gare SNCF further west along avenue Pierre-Chabrié. There's a weekend market in place des Récollets at the end of rue de la République, which leads away from the abbey, a marvel of colour and temptation.Overlooking the south side of the square, Le Chapon Fin makes a pleasant place to stay (tel, fax; €3040; restaurant from €18). Alternatively, try the slightly cheaper Le Luxembourg, 2 av Pierre-Chabrié (tel, [email protected]; €3040), with a well-rated traditional restaurant (menus €1225). For campers, there's a shady site across the river on a little island, the Île du Bidounet (tel; closed OctMarch), and a gîte d'étape, 5 Sente du Calvaire (tel, [email protected]), for walkers only on the hill above town. The nicest place to eat is the magnolia-shaded Auberge du Cloître (closed Mon & eves on Wed & Sun; lunch menus from €12.40, dinner from €20), beside the tourist office.