The area known as the Suisse Normande lies roughly 25km south of Caen, along the gorge of the River Orne, between Thury-Harcourt and Putanges. While the name is a little far-fetched there are certainly no mountains it is quite distinctive, with cliffs and crags and wooded hills at every turn. There are plenty of opportunities for outdoor pursuits: you can race along the Orne in canoes and kayaks, cruise more sedately on pedaloes or a bizarre species of inflatable rubber tractor, or dangle on ropes from the sheer rock-faces high above. For mere walkers the Orne can be frustrating: footpaths along the river are few and far between, and often entirely overgrown.The Suisse Normande is usually approached from Caen or Falaise and contrasts dramatically with the prairie-like expanse of wheat fields en route. On wheels, the best access is via the D235 from Caen (signed to Falaise then right through Ifs). Bus Verts #34 will take you to Thury-Harcourt or Clécy on its way to Flers, and there are occasional special summer train excursions from Caen. Pages in section ‘Suisse Normande’: Thury-Harcourt and Clécy, Pont d'Ouilly.