The gare SNCF and gare routière are side by side off bd Carnot (part of the ring road). Not all buses use the main station, though, and if you're heading for the shopping outlets or the countryside it's best to check first with the tourist office near the station at 16 bd Carnot (MonSat 9am12.30pm & 26.30pm; tel,; or the town centre branch on rue Mignard (July to mid-Sept daily 10am7pm; mid-Sept to June TuesSat 9am12.30pm & 26.30pm, Sun 10am1pm; tel For information concerning the Aube département, of which Troyes is the capital, consult If you want to rent a car try ADA at 2, rue Voltaire near the station (tel Places to stay around the station are plentiful, though for not much more you can find accommodation right in the centre of the old town. Outside term-time there may be room in the city's foyers the tourist office has details, along with information about chambres d'hôtes and places to stay in the wine villages around Troyes. Pages in section ‘Information’: Hotels, Hostel and campsite.