Eight kilometres west of Gignac, the market town of CLERMONT-L'HéRAULT accessible by bus from Montpellier is a rather dull little cantonal capital, whose only recommendation is that it is a good jumping-off point for visiting the area around Lac Salagou to the west an attractive man-made reservoir sited amidst striking iron-rich terrain. The only thing of interest you'll find here is a thirteenth-century church, fortified in the fourteenth century to defend it against the English.The tourist office (MonSat 9amnoon & 26pm; tel is at 9 rue René-Gosse, close to the cathedral. By far the best place to stay is Le Terminus, on allées Roger-Salengro, near the old station (tel, fax; €3040), with a good restaurant (from €13.56). If you're camping, head for the year-round site Le Salagou (tel, northwest of Clermont near the lake. Reasonable meals can be had at the Restaurant des Remparts, on place de la République (closed Tues; menus from €10), or try L'Arlequin, tucked under the south wall of the church on place St-Paul (closed Sun & Mon; menus from €12.50), for a more refined dining experience. Pages in section ‘Clermont-l'Hérault’: Around Clermont-l'Hérault.
Alternate spellings:: France, Clermont-l'Hérault, Clermont-l'Hérault, Clermont-l'Herault